About Us

 Tabernacle was founded on February 12, 1893.  This is a place of worship and fellowship for you and your loved ones, where every person of all ages and stages have a variety of ministry opportunities to experience & feel the love of Christ.  We are anointed & appointed to help each person discover, develop and deploy their God-given gifts that everyone  may be able to fulfill their individual purpose in life and the Kingdom.  We want every believer to be able to live a more meaningful, victorious & fulfilling life in Christ as desired by God.
           For over 120 years, Tabernacle has had its Baptist Church roots in the Jacksonville, FL community and has been serving God for His purpose and His glory.  And yet, we have maintained a fresh and modern-day vision of ministry suited for this present generation of believers and seekers.  We have a long and rich faith heritage of loving God, trusting God, and obeying God's Word. 

Dr. Jay Green

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